Take-Home Teeth Whitening – Hayward, CA

Reverse Tooth Stains and DIscoloration

Kit for take-home teeth whitening in Hayward

Are you embarrassed by stained or discolored teeth? Stop throwing money away on ineffective OTC whitening products. They don’t contain professional-grade whitening agents, so any improvement you notice will be minimal and your results won’t last. Instead, invest in dramatic improvement with take-home teeth whitening in Hayward. You can achieve in-office results using the convenience of an OTC product. Dr. Henry Diep will recreate the personalized plan you need to ensure your pearly whites are their brightest.

Why Choose SoHay Dental for Take-Home Teeth Whitening?

  • Personalized Treatment Plans
  • Highly Concentrated Whitening Solutions
  • Lasting Improvement

Who is a Good Candidate for Take-Home Teeth Whitening?

Gloved hands holding dental shade guide

If you’re not happy with the color of your teeth, you might be a candidate for a take-home kit. Teeth whitening is the most effective on age-related and surface stains. Dr. Diep will examine your mouth to determine the source of your discoloration. He will also check to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy, which is a requirement of any elective service, including teeth whitening.

A take-home kit is recommended for patients who can commit to following Dr. Diep’s instructions. He will help you choose the best solution for your preferences and your goals.

How Does Take-Home Teeth Whitening Work?

Take-home teeth whitening on blue background

After any preparatory treatments, like a dental cleaning or filling, an impression of your mouth is taken to fabricate custom-fit trays. This ensures the even distribution of the whitening gel and promotes a comfortable process. Dr. Diep will give you the trays and a professional-strength whitening gel to use every day for about 2 weeks. Stains will disappear gradually, improving the color of your teeth by up to 8 shades. 

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

Woman looking in mirror and brushing her teeth

Your dazzling smile can stay bright for many months or years with the right aftercare, like:

  • Good Oral Hygiene: Commit to brushing your teeth after every meal and flossing daily to remove plaque and food residue.
  • Avoid Dark Foods and Drinks: Limit your consumption of stain-causing foods and drinks, like coffee, blueberries, and red wine. Drink dark beverages through a straw to limit their contact with your teeth. Consume it all at once instead of sipping it throughout the day. If you have anything that may stain your teeth, rinse your mouth with water after you’ve finished.
  • Don’t Smoke: Tobacco can cause tar and nicotine stains.
  • Visit Your Dentist: Schedule a cleaning and checkup every 6 months. Dr. Diep will keep your mouth clean and healthy. He can also provide you with a touchup kit to maintain your results.

If you’re ready to reveal a bright smile, book an appointment online or call (510) 314-8426.

Understanding the Cost of Teeth Whitening

Close-up of woman’s smile with white, beautiful teeth

Teeth whitening is one of the more affordable cosmetic dentistry options. Call our office to find out more about how much it costs — you might be pleasantly surprised! In the meantime, you can read the information below to find out more about the cost of teeth whitening and your payment options.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Teeth Whitening

Woman’s smile before and after teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is usually a set cost, but there are some factors that can drive up its price:

  • Severe discoloration. Severe, deep-set stains may require special measures to remove.
  • Certain types of discoloration. Teeth whitening can address both intrinsic and extrinsic stains (stains on the inside and outside of teeth), as well as various types of discoloration, such as those caused by age, diet, and more. Some types of stains are more challenging to remove and may lead to higher costs.
  • Additional treatment. Some patients need fillings or other restorative treatment before their mouth is healthy enough for teeth whitening.

Types of Teeth Whitening: What Do They Cost?

Woman applying whitening strip to her teeth

There are four types of teeth whitening, all of which have their own price range:

  • Some dentists offer in-office teeth whitening, which is the fastest and most expensive option. It can cost anywhere from $400 to $1000 or more.
  • Take-home teeth whitening from a dentist usually runs a few hundred dollars. The treatment is fully customized for each patient and usually takes about two weeks to produce optimum results.
  • Over-the-counter whitening trays are not customized to each patient. They may cost around $100 or less. Many online retailers sell them.
  • The cheapest option is over-the-counter whitening strips and gels. These items usually run $20 - $40 per package. Each box usually has enough product for a two-week course of treatment.

Professional Teeth Whitening vs. Lower-Cost Options

Smiling woman with white teeth

As you consider the numbers listed above, you might start to wonder why anyone would choose professional teeth whitening when there are so many cheaper over-the-counter options. The answer boils down to quality. Professional whitening offers some benefits that you cannot get with over-the-counter treatment:

  • With professional whitening, you get to enjoy the supervision and support of a highly trained dental team.
  • Professional treatments can be customized for severe stains or for patients with dental sensitivity.
  • You can expect dramatic results within a short period of time. Over-the-counter products often leave consumers feeling disappointed.

Options For Making Teeth Whitening Affordable

Dental team member at dental office front desk

Insurance almost never covers teeth whitening because it is classified as a purely elective procedure. However, since teeth whitening is usually not expensive, many patients find that they are able to pay for it out of pocket.

If you do not wish to pay for the entirety of your treatment upfront, you might qualify for low-interest financing through CareCredit. You may be able to pay for your teeth whitening over the course of a few months.

Are you eager to achieve a brighter smile? Our team is ready to assist you! Contact SoHay to learn more about teeth whitening and its cost.