Sedation Dentist – Hayward, CA

Saying Goodbye to Scary Dental Appointments

Woman making pillow shape with her hands and pretending to sleep

Visiting the dentist may not be as exciting for some patients. Those who struggle with dental anxiety can often forgo their regular appointments out of fear, causing them to experience worsening oral health symptoms over time. But with sedation dentistry in Hayward at SoHay Dental, Dr. Diep and our team can make these visits much less scary and instead more relaxed and calming. If you are interested in learning more about oral conscious sedation dentistry, call our office or keep reading.

Why Choose SoHay Dental for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Oral Conscious Sedation Available
  • Children & Adults Can Benefit
  • Caring, Compassionate, & Reassuring Dental Team

Who Is a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Woman relaxing in dental chair thanks to sedation dentistry in Hayward

Individuals who struggle with dental anxiety are often the most obvious candidates for sedation dentistry; however, there are other reasons a person might find this method of treatment helpful. If you experience any of the following, you are welcome to discuss your candidacy with Dr. Diep:

  • You have a fear of needles
  • You’re unable to sit still in the dentist’s chair due to a physical disability or ailment
  • You experienced dental trauma in the past
  • You have a sensitive or strong gag reflex
  • You are preparing to undergo multiple treatments in one appointment

A thorough discussion of your medical history will be completed during your visit, as certain factors must be considered before agreeing to provide sedation dentistry. Certain medications and health conditions can make sedation less effective.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Man taking white pill with glass of water

Oral conscious sedation is delivered in pill form and requires that you take the medicine before you arrive for your appointment. As a result, you’ll need to have someone drive you to and from your visit. Designed to create a sense of complete relaxation, you’ll no longer express fear or concern about your procedure but instead, remain at ease and comfortable throughout your visit. It will take time for the sedation to wear off, so it’s best to return home and rest until you start to feel more like yourself.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Sedation dentistry is perfectly safe for most patients, and this is in part because Dr. Diep will thoroughly evaluate your health to determine if you are a good candidate for it during your consultation. This includes reviewing your medical history and current medication to ensure that there won’t be any complications. While you are sedated, our staff will carefully monitor vital signs such as your blood pressure, oxygen levels, and heart rate to ensure that you remain safe.

Is sedation dentistry safe while pregnant?

The drugs used for dental sedation may pass to the fetus through the placenta, so we typically won’t recommend these treatments during a patient’s first trimester. Some methods may encourage premature labor during the third trimester, so sedation is usually safest during the second trimester. However, Dr. Diep will probably recommend waiting until after the pregnancy to receive treatments that require sedation.

Will I remember anything with dental sedation?

While you will be technically awake while receiving oral conscious sedation, you will probably have difficulty remembering the details of your procedure. However, you will still be able to answer questions and respond to Dr. Diep’s instructions, which makes it great for all sorts of dental treatments. While you may have only a hazy memory of your dental appointment at most, this is actually great for many patients because it can prevent them from forming negative associations with dental treatment that can make them more anxious about getting needed care later.

What does dental sedation feel like?

Oral conscious sedation will leave you in a deep state of relaxation and may make you feel groggy or cause you to slip into light sleep. Some patients report a feeling of heaviness in their bodies or that time seems to pass more quickly. You can expect to still be experiencing the effects of oral conscious sedation after your dental treatment is over, so you’ll need a trusted friend or family member to drive you home afterward. You should be feeling back to normal after a few hours or a good sleep session.

What are the risks of sedation dentistry?

Oral conscious sedation is not for everyone, and that is why Dr. Diep will carefully review your medical history and current medications to ensure that you can receive the treatment safely before recommending it. Certain mediations and conditions like obstructive sleep apnea can make complications more likely. While everyone reacts to oral conscious sedation differently, it is typically safe. During the hours after treatment, you may experience minor side effects such as nausea, headache, and grogginess, but these should pass quickly.